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Olympic Flame Denmark
Den 7 HimmelSponsor
Den 7 Himmel Icon
The best bed retial shop in Copenhagen City greater area.
+45 36 72 60 80 | View ProfileRoedovre, Copenhagen Denmark
Aktiv MisbrugSponsor
Aktiv Misbrug Icon
De fysiske rammer giver mulighed for en høj grad af selvstændighed – og den enkelte beboers ret til at have et privatliv i boligen. Boligen er et væsentligt fundament for mennesker med sindslidelse og misbrug, idet en hensigtsmæssig bolig, omsorg og støtte kan bidrage til stabilitet og tryghed – og således øge livskvaliteten for den enkelte beboer. Boligen danner grundlag for hverdagslivet.
24 52 00 41 | View ProfileBjæverskov, Bjæverskov Denmark
Det Gode Liv IVSSponsor
Det Gode Liv IVS Icon
treatment center for behandlingscenter, Alkoholisme, alkoholiker, ludomani, ludoman, pårørende, Pillemisbrug, Kokainmisbrug, Hash misbrug, Købetrang, shopaholic
View ProfileBrørup, Brørup Denmark
Asonor Icon
Asonor, we aim to make you sleep comfortable, breathe easier and live healthier. We are a Scandinavian company with the corporate headquarters, located at the DTU Science Park in north of Copenhagen with warehouses in both Denmark, Spain and Germany.
4570204093 | View ProfileHorsholm, Copenhagen area Denmark
Novartis Healthcare A/SSponsor
Novartis Healthcare A/S Icon
Novartis was created in 1996 through a merger of Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz. Novartis and its predecessor companies trace roots back more than 250 years, with a rich history of developing innovative products. Novartis operates businesses with global scale and strong customer ties, focusing on innovative patented medicines, generics and eye care devices. We use science-based innovation to address some of society's most challenging healthcare issues. We discover and develop breakthrough treatments and find new ways to deliver them to as many people as possible.Our global portfolio of innovative patented medicines includes more than 50 key marketed products, many of which are among the leaders in their therapeutic areas.We invest in the development of new technologies that improve patient adherence and help predict individual response to treatment.Our goal is to optimize patient outcomes by delivering targeted treatments.By beginning to genetically identify patients who will respond positively to particular therapies, we are starting to tackle two of the greatest challenges in developing drugs: identifying a disease area with a critical, unmet need and assigning studies to test a clinical hypothesis.Teams across Novartis work together to develop customized therapies for patients.Street: Edvard Thomsensvej 14, 3.City:København SState: KøbenhavnZip code : 2300Phonenumber :+45 39168400Opening hours: 09.00 – 16.00
45 39168400 | View ProfileKøbenhavn, København Denmark
Fysioterapeut København. Smertefys.nuSponsor
Fysioterapeut København. Icon
Behandling af smerter med højeste kvalitet. Fysioterapi centralt i København K.
60 73 90 10 | View ProfileKøbenhavn K, København K 1158, København K Denmark
Din HoerelseSponsor
Din Hoerelse Icon
DIN HOERELSE is a chain of hearing healthcare clinics. We offer professional counseling and sell the best hearing aids the market offers. But that is not all. At DIN HOERELSE it all about the costumer and the person behind. We believe that our costumer deserves the best solution.
70400200 | View ProfileSmorum, Denmark
Aleris-Hamlet Hospitaler A/SSponsor
Aleris-Hamlet Hospitaler A/S Icon
Aleris-Hamlet Hospitals is part of Aleris, one of the leading private health and care companies in Scandinavia. Activities cover hospitals, care and mental healthcare. Aleris has a total of 11,000 employees distributed across 450 locations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.Aleris Hamlet wants to be the first choice through all stages of life and our mission is to enable you to have a healthier and better life as well as contribute with innovative healthcare solutions that are useful to society.At Aleris-Hamlet Hospitals, more than 330 skilled and experienced doctors specialized in 40 medical and surgical specialties are ready to help you when you need fast diagnosis and treatment. Our experienced specialists and nurses is your guarantee of high quality care throughout the whole course of treatment. You are followed by the same doctor from start to finish.Quality occurs in the meeting with the patient. Focusing on high professionalism, good personal service and respect for each individual, we ensure the best patient experience for you. Aleris-Hamlet continuously monitors patient satisfaction in order to improve our quality and services. Aleris-Hamlet is accredited according to the Danish Quality Model, which is a national quality system that ensures the best quality in the Danish healthcare system. Therefore, we are also proud that more than 97% of our patients will recommend us to others.As a health organization, we are very concerned with our social responsibility. Aleri
453817 0700 | View ProfileSøborg, Gladsaxe Denmark
Injurymap  Icon
Injurymap is an intelligent rehabilitation app, which helps you treat or prevent pain in muscles and joints. The app provides you with a training program that is tailored to your needs and readjusted every time you exercise.
+4561707931 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Copenhagen Denmark
Hypnosebrande Icon
Treat psychological problems, as well as abuse of tobacco and alcohol.
+45 40301711 | View ProfileBrande, Denmark
Fit og SundSponsor
Fit og Sund Icon
As a coach, I put the power back in YOUR hands. An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is a guide and mentor who empowers you and provides ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness. As your Health Coach, I will listen carefully and we’ll navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice together to explore what truly works for you.
+45 51 89 85 89 | View ProfileSkagen, Skagen Denmark
Julieta RodriguesSponsor
Julieta Rodrigues Icon
Virksomheden er en af verdens førende producenter af plantelægemidler. Vores mål er at gøre medicin mere naturlig. Til dette formål kombinerer vi moderne forskning inden for farmakologi og planters helbredende kraft. I mere end 10 år har det gjort det muligt for os at producere effektive lægemidler med god tolerance.
View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Sleep sound machinesSponsor
Sleep sound machines Icon
At FallingAsleep we often have giveaways for our readers. The purpose is to bring attention to great products and to make it fun to be a part of FallingAsleep as a reader, user or fan of FallingAsleep. The giveaways are thus an integral part of FallingAsleep and we have in this regard cooperation with different companies such as Amazon and many others.Our vision is to make FallingAsleep fun and interesting and we want to talk about the many opportunities in the sleepy-world. We hope that you will recommend FallingAsleep to your friends.
88374788 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Europe Bud ShopSponsor
Europe Bud Shop Icon
Europe Bud Shop is a B2B Cannabis Shop in Europe that buy and sells premium marijuana and Cannabis seeds. We buy Cannabis from Marijuana farms around Europe and supply. Buy best Hybrid Weed Strains, Blue Dream Strain, Girl Scout Cookies Strain (GSC Weed Strain), Gorilla Glue Strain, OG Kush Strain (Kush Weed), Sunset Sherbet Strain (Orange Sherbet Weed), Gelato Strain, White Widow Strain, Wedding Cake Strain (Birthday Cake Weed), Trainwreck Strain, Pineapple Express Strain, AK 47 Strain (AK47 Weed), Bruce Banner Strain. Buy weed UK, buy weed europe. We ship 100% discretely.
+4571825291 | View ProfileCopenhagen 2100, Copenhagen Denmark
Kilde MedicSponsor
Kilde Medic Icon
KildeMedic BTM- Offers accurate measurement of marginal sensation and VPTKildeMedic BTM is a digital instrument designed to get an accurate measurement of Vibration Perception Threshold and marginal sensation of foot ulcerations among diabetic patients. This non-invasive tool helps in detecting various neurological diseases. The machine is quite popular in the field of diagnosing peripheral neuropathic in neurology and diabetes. The products are clinically tested and offer 100 percent results. Contact us now to know the pricing details and place your order now.
+4570707617 | View ProfileGraested, denmark Denmark
Europe Bud ShopSponsor
Europe Bud Shop Icon
Europe Bud Shop is a B2B Cannabis Shop in Europe that buy and sells premium marijuana and Cannabis seeds. We buy Cannabis from Marijuana farms around Europe and supply. Buy best Hybrid Weed Strains, Blue Dream Strain, Girl Scout Cookies Strain (GSC Weed Strain), Gorilla Glue Strain, OG Kush Strain (Kush Weed), Sunset Sherbet Strain (Orange Sherbet Weed), Gelato Strain, White Widow Strain, Wedding Cake Strain (Birthday Cake Weed), Train wreck Strain, Pineapple Express Strain, AK 47 Strain (AK47 Weed), Bruce Banner Strain. Buy weed UK, buy weed Europe. We ship 100% discretely.
+4571825291 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Medical hair 4uSponsor
medical hair 4u Icon
Welcome to Medical Hair 4U! We are a leading medical information and referral company offering facilitation for FUE hair implants transplant treatment in Istanbul.
3306859149 | View ProfileForskerparken, Odense Denmark
Keto ActivesSponsor
Keto Actives Icon
Keto Actives is the best weight loss supplement created based on the keto formula to melt fat faster from the body
View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Flot FodSponsor
Flot Fod Icon
Flot Fod Fodbehandling i Greve
View ProfileGreve, Denmark
Asonor Icon
''Asonor, we aim to make you sleep comfortable, breathe easier and live healthier. We are a Scandinavian company with the corporate headquarters, located at the DTU Science Park in north of Copenhagen with warehouses in both Denmark, Spain and Germany. Asonor is the world leading brand within anti snoring medicines helping you to get rid of snoring and gain comfortable sleep. Asonor has been sold or registered by the Health Authorities in nearly 50 countries. Asonor is the simplest and effective method which kills the cause of the snoring.''
+45 70204093 | View ProfileHorsholm, Copenhagen area Denmark
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